Montag, 13. Dezember 2010

Somewhere right now a person was punched, a phone call made, a word just finished being spoken, a word began, a word on the way, a box crushed, a dream awoken, a death occurred, a house dreamed, a person defeated, a person overjoyed, a can kicked, a bird shot, a speech concluded, money raised, suicide contemplated, truth sought, morals discarded, faith found, voices raised, lips touched, skin connected, humans created, God smiled, said “Hello Love”, blankets donated, hands clapped, thoughts happened, refrigerator cooling units clicked on, rain falling, planets orbit, cats meow, hands clasp, people pray, we all sleep in the same bed, memories made, eyes closed, we all sleep together, is happening.
somewhere, right now, everything is happening.

You said I was rare. 

Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.

I washed the windows with newspaper,
wondering whether it was the soft paper,
the heavy inks,
or the weighty subject matter
that cleaned the glass so easily.
I walked upstairs
and found my fingers stained with the dirt.
Either the paper
or the window.

One day, you’ll wake up and realise how you let time slip away.
You’ll see the world for what it really is, and you might be saddened by how little you felt you achieved.
But that same day, you’ll do the same things you do every other day, but you’ll see them differently. Maybe you’ll realise that your actions affected every single person you ever came into contact with.
Saying good morning, sparing some change, helping others with things like crossing a road, getting off a bus… every single gesture has made you into a truly kind person, you’ll see your friends and loved ones they’ll will have a sparkle in their eye whenever they look at you.
your skin may get old, but your heart should remain young
Live everyday like it’s truly your last.
Love like you’ll never see the person again.
Always dance like nobody is watching.
Never let your fears get the best of you.
You don’t want to wake up that day, and be proven right every step of the way.

I want to tell him that I’m done
Feeling like shit
Trying to get shit together
That I’ve come out on top of all this so much stronger
But I haven’t.

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