Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010

only rich people can get organ transplants now in arizona

You know what should definitely be the last thing that states should ever cut from their budgets? Money for life-saving organ transplants. In Arizona, cuts to state medicare have literally stolen organ transplants from sick poor people.
Here’s one of the about 100 Arizonans who are now scrambling to raise funds for their own lung/bone marrow/liver transplants after the Republican-controlled legislature cut state funding for certain kinds of transplants back in March:
Francisco Felix, 32, a father of four who has hepatitis C and is in need of a liver, received news a few weeks ago that a family friend was dying and wanted to donate her liver to him. But the budget cuts meant he no longer qualified for a state-financed transplant.
He was prepared anyway at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center as his relatives scrambled to raise the needed $200,000. When the money did not come through, the liver went to someone else on the transplant list.
this is a real death panel. this, right here. rep. jan brewer’s state of arizona has real life death panels, do i make myself clear?
 Everyone knows poor people are supposed to die by 40, right?
I wasn’t aware that the right to a decent life was a privilege. 

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